1. School grades are a measure of how socially acceptable your level of remembering–ability was when you did the exams, relative to everyone else.

    Therefore, their meaning and value deteriorate over time. The value and meaning of things you create and add to the world generally increase with time (become more well-known, better used, refined, etc.)

  2. Just pushed a load of changes to auto-tagging which should make structured, tag–based querying of notes way easier.

    This note should be tagged with mention, reply, quote and location as it contains all of that data.

    Some Test Quote with a mention in

  3. Abigail Harrison: Hashtags: do people really use them to discover? Hands-up people.... maybe social media people do and 'normal' people don't? #twittersci

    .abigailH hashtag discovery usage is low because of Twitters anaemic implementation. See Diaspora for a great, well-used implementation.