1. Just watched The Hunger Games for the first time. Initial impressions are that my imagined versions of Haymitch and Snow are way better than the actors. Their Snow is far too old and beardy. Other than that it’s not too bad at all. Looking forward to the next ones.

  2. I absolutely love Averia, and use it all over my personal website. I think it is a wonderful idea, brilliantly executed. The result is surprisingly readable, and the slight “erosion” effect reminds me a lot of very early type. Many thanks for making these fonts and licensing them so freely :)

  3. Aral Balkan: I just love rail travel in the UK. You meet the most interesting people. Today I met drunk guy drinking beer and coughing on me.

    aral my fondest memory of rail travel is when I got stuck in a train toilet and the nice men with crowbars had to rip it off to get me out. Some nice royal marines offered me beer (I was 13)