1. I was going to spend this evening working on browser extension, but I think it would be better spent providing a /data export utility for fellow ex users.

    From my initial researches, it looks like /u/username.json is the best bet, as it gives a JSON array of all posts written by username, along with like and comment data. It accepts a max_time=timestamp query param, and a _ query param, the function of which I am not sure of.

    To iterate through all the pages of posts from a certain user, start with their profile URL w/ .json tacked on the end, fetch all the items, get the datetime of the last item, convert that to a timestamp, fetch the same URL with ?max_time=timestamp, repeat until an empty array is returned.

  2. Branch: @BarnabyWalters @chrismessina Hi Barnaby. FYI we'll never send tweets/DMs without your telling us to.

    branch that’s great to hear, but it’s not my primary concern and not the reason I don’t want to use branch. My concern is that I don’t really want to be hosting my thoughts and/or identity in a place I don’t control.

    Most of the time I would post the content here and duplicate it on the 3rd party site, linking back. In this specific case, being asked to log in with twitter purely for the privilege of asking to be part of a conversation was off-putting enough for me not to bother.

  3. Chris Messina™: @BarnabyWalters via ping back! Ha! I appreciate your dedication to #IndieWeb blogging! :)

    Chris Messina tbh I prefer to have actual discussions with people over IRC or hangout or other such medium, and use my website as a destination for solidified results of those discussions, and a broadcast medium to include others too. So I'd love to hear your comments on stuff I’ve said, perhaps in on freenode? :)