1. Slowly getting a PuSH subscription service working. It should be fairly easy to turn it, once finished, into a layered library so people can either bolt it onto a Silex/Symfony app and have it all just work, or use the lower level client and logic in other frameworks.

  2. superfeedr: @BarnabyWalters Pinging from http://blog.superfeedr.com/indieweb-microformats-fragments-subscriptions/ … to http://waterpigs.co.uk/notes/4T3FSd/  I get "Source URI does not contain a link to the target URI"

    @superfeedr thanks for the heads-up, it was a caching issue in — now squashed with your mention happily on my page! I need to make taproot show names of blog posts instead of/in addition to the first bit of text.

  3. Last night: fixed intonation, fitted tapping string. Even without a dedicated EM pickup it’s sounding great! Can’t wait to get it hooked up to an amp.

  4. Fixed a simple security hole in , uncovered unintentionally by an attack mounted ≈5hrs ago — intent appeared to be to create new user accounts, unintended result was the creation of a new, empty article.

    Hundreds of requests were made against URLs similar to these:

    • /articles/do.php
    • /articles/modules.php?app=user_reg
    • /articles/index.php?app=home&mod=public&act=register
    • /action/sign_up
    • /articles/sign_up.html
    • /articles/?page=login&cmd=register
    • /articles/tiki-register.php
    • /articles/index.php?page=register&action=register
    • /index.php?page=item&action=item_add
    • /articles/index.php?user/create_form/
    • /articles/join.php
    • /articles/index.php?dll=register
    • /articles/index.php?option=com_community&view=register
    • /articles/register.php
    • /articles/signup.php

    Presumably these URLs are compromised on other systems — needless to say they are far too ugly to exist in ! I’m unsure exactly why /articles was used as the base URL for the attack in all cases apart from two.

    As these URLs don’t exist, and will never exist, it should be safe enough to add server- or application-level filters immediately closing any requests which include them.

  5. And my hurdy gurdy is fixed! Huge thanks to Brooks Hood for letting me use his workshop space — top guy, highly recommended for guitar repair work if you’re in Reykjavík.

  6. @|p^): @BarnabyWalters so we should only hang out on thursdays it seems?

    @w03_ I have come to realise that everything happens on Thursdays. But actually, I hadn’t even considered that each item corresponded to a day of the week — I just can’t get enough

  7. Just implemented notifications in ! I get a native, first-class notification when I’m mentioned. Really easy to do with the notification API: developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/notification

    Update: demo video!

    1. Navigating to my homepage and granting notification permissions
    2. Native notification from iTunes for comparison
    3. Notification of a new comment from KartikPrabhu (thanks for helping demo!)
    4. The notification is a proper, first-class notification in notification centre

    Not shown: clicking on the notification navigates to the source of the mention.