1. about Songlines, an indigenous Australian belief which serves as a communication and navigation tool. Songlines, as well as much other aboriginal culture, seems to be fascinating supporting evidence for the thesis of The Singing Neanderthals — that proto-language was made up of holistic (no grammar), multi-modal communications utilising metaphor and mimickry.

  2. that “The Lion Sleeps Tonight” was appropriated by Pete Seeger (and then further sanitized by George Weiss) from a song written by Solomon Linda, who died in poverty. His family only received royalties for the song’s widespread Disney use after a lawsuit in 2006 — 44 years later.

    There’s an archive of the in-depth three part write-up of the whole thing from Rolling Stone by Rian Malan here.

  3. IE doesn’t upload csv files with text/* media type. Content-type cannot be trusted, the only way of telling if data is of a particular type is to see if it parses successfully.