1. Time for Barnaby vs. Brighton: Crêpe Quest, round two. Round one ended badly and will probably be the subject of some dreadful comedy sketch in the future. This time: more data points, more leads to follow up.

    Brighton: IT’S ON.

  2. Checked into Gullfoss, Iceland.

    : photos + location in the same note. Currently photos are email upload only. Other possibillity is to derive location data from EXIF metadata

  3. A couple of days ago we (Vísar) went on a little trip up to Borgarnes for a meeting. Hopefully the journey details should be attached to this note, and I’ll get them displaying below.

  4. Sandeep Shetty: Anyone using/used/implemented machine tags (triple tags)? Are they worth it? #indieweb

    sandeepshetty add .json to the end of any of my note URLs and have a look in the tags array — or in the source (hidden by default) to see how I use them. I added location data to this note so you can see the tags I use for that.