1. Erin Jo Richey: I appreciate companies that let me export my files when the company goes away, but putting them in 100 separate files to be downloaded? Eesh

    Erin Richie which company is that? I’m doing some research on the UX of data export at the mo and they sound like a good bad example :)

  2. Aral Balkan: RT @DavidGrann: 4 yrs ago, Snowden said leakers shld be ‘shot’ http://t.co/nppnSEJ1Zs OMG! He evolved his opinion based on new info? Evil!

    Aral Balkan heh, that in itself is a good (if diluted) example of how surveillance and record keeping can be used against people

  3. @benwerd loving your work on idno! Just had a look at the source, great that you’re using 2, I have some suggestions/corrections:

    • .h-entry is better off where you’ve got .idno-entry so then the author .h-card can be scoped into the entry
    • add .p-author to the .h-card for each .h-entry to explicitly declare authorship
    • put .h-as-* on the same element as .h-entry .idno-entry
    • put .u-url where you currently have .dt-published, move .dt-published to the time element

    Thanks to Aaron Parecki you can see how a page is parsed here, or use my php-mf2 demo sandbox for experimentation by hand.