1. Turns out that performing a GET request on a data URI from PHP works if file_get_contents is used, not if cURL is used. I wonder what support is like for other server side languages — using data URIs in with could be the basis of some interesting .

  2. Kyle Weems: Trying out Twitter in the browser only. Because sooner or later that's all we'll have.

    cssquirrel I much prefer twitter in the browser because I can get rid of ads and promoted tweets, and customise the UI so I reply, retweet and favourite on my site instead. Pity I can't so easily on mobile — perhaps an ios app which is just a web view with some custom JS…

  3. I was going to spend this evening working on browser extension, but I think it would be better spent providing a /data export utility for fellow ex users.

    From my initial researches, it looks like /u/username.json is the best bet, as it gives a JSON array of all posts written by username, along with like and comment data. It accepts a max_time=timestamp query param, and a _ query param, the function of which I am not sure of.

    To iterate through all the pages of posts from a certain user, start with their profile URL w/ .json tacked on the end, fetch all the items, get the datetime of the last item, convert that to a timestamp, fetch the same URL with ?max_time=timestamp, repeat until an empty array is returned.