1. Noticed that, having learned to use the beating effect to tell when two pitches are slightly out of tune, I now can trick myself into thinking that in-tune sounds are out of tune by applying light sine-shaped tremolo to them. Wonder if this works for people who haven’t learned to tune using beats?

  2. Beautiful soundscape walking back through Reykjavík this evening — seamless gradient between vetrarhatid.is large-scale audio+visual installation and bird sounds on the pond, punctuated with ice underfoot and the constant murmur of traffic.

  3. Walked along a nice bit of beach-ish area near my flat. Realised that whilst I’m fairly experienced at creating UIs where the creation of sound is the end result (musical instruments), I’ve never really given much thought to the use of sound in other UIs.

    The house lights across the bay twinkle a lot — perhaps because of the heat. It’s cold outside here, but inside all the buildings is really toasty, thanks to ubiquitous geothermal power.