#N canvas 462 157 519 319 10; #X obj 385 228 mp3cast~; #X obj 385 181 adc~; #X msg 17 128 mountpoint live; #X msg 17 107 icecast2; #X msg 18 250 disconnect; #X msg 17 86 passwd your-password-here; #X msg 17 150 name Live; #X msg 17 172 description livestream; #X msg 17 194 connect your.hostname.com 8000; #X text 15 10 Basic Icecast2 Client; #X text 15 30 Customise the values in the first set of messages.; #X text 15 43 Then \, click them in order to start streaming. You should see a success message in the Pd debug window.; #X text 17 230 Click here to stop streaming.; #X text 307 252 Right click and view “Help” on [mp3cast~] to see more options.; #X text 304 130 By default [adc~] streams audio from your input device. Replace this with whatever you want.; #X connect 1 0 0 0; #X connect 1 1 0 1; #X connect 2 0 0 0; #X connect 3 0 0 0; #X connect 4 0 0 0; #X connect 5 0 0 0; #X connect 6 0 0 0; #X connect 7 0 0 0; #X connect 8 0 0 0;