In reply to a post on waterpigs.co.uk... and you feel the FFT, don't you? ;)
In reply to a post on waterpigs.co.uktag:facebook.com,2013:1592639167459347_liked_by_10154153289097608 Franz-Benjamin Mocnik https://www.facebook.com/100001398384863/posts/1592639167459347#liked-by-10154153289097608
In reply to a post on waterpigs.co.uktag:facebook.com,2013:1592639167459347_liked_by_10207472191157402 Andy Chen https://www.facebook.com/100001398384863/posts/1592639167459347#liked-by-10207472191157402
In reply to a post on waterpigs.co.uktag:facebook.com,2013:1592639167459347_liked_by_10204389513792535 Angelika Hudler https://www.facebook.com/100001398384863/posts/1592639167459347#liked-by-10204389513792535
In reply to a post on waterpigs.co.ukshhh they don't know yet. They are all like 'look at us we're 3rd partials so special' but in the end they just add to the big noise.
In reply to a post on waterpigs.co.ukIn the end, 3rd partials are nothing but good old sines, too. But don't you dare telling them.
In reply to a post on waterpigs.co.ukGot bored from that.. then listened to 3rd partials only (through SPEAR) before I went with white noise only.
In reply to a post on waterpigs.co.uktag:twitter.com,2013:934557283807367168_favorited_by_488598101 (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ w03_ https://twitter.com/BarnabyWalters/status/934557283807367168#favorited-by-488598101
In reply to a post on waterpigs.co.ukOther waveforms are overrated, I just listen to sines these days
In reply to a post on waterpigs.co.uktag:facebook.com,2013:1592639167459347_liked_by_1870024066561986 Joost de Boer https://www.facebook.com/100001398384863/posts/1592639167459347#liked-by-1870024066561986
In reply to a post on waterpigs.co.uktag:facebook.com,2013:1592639167459347_liked_by_10153233546042271 Navarana Hertzum-Hendriksen https://www.facebook.com/100001398384863/posts/1592639167459347#liked-by-10153233546042271
In reply to a post on waterpigs.co.ukI'd go as far as to say every sound is just a compisition of sines: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fourier_transform :)
In reply to a post on waterpigs.co.ukI'd go as far as to say ever sound is just a compisition of sines: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fourier_transform :)
In reply to a post on waterpigs.co.uk❤️
In reply to a post on waterpigs.co.uktag:facebook.com,2013:1592639167459347_liked_by_806702489485597 Graeme McCormack https://www.facebook.com/100001398384863/posts/1592639167459347#liked-by-806702489485597
In reply to a post on waterpigs.co.ukIn music it's all sines (partials!)... Just the question how to combine sines. ;-)
In reply to a post on waterpigs.co.uk❤️
In reply to a post on waterpigs.co.uktag:facebook.com,2013:1592639167459347_liked_by_770627069678945 Sigurgeir Orri Alexandersson https://www.facebook.com/100001398384863/posts/1592639167459347#liked-by-770627069678945
In reply to a post on waterpigs.co.uktag:facebook.com,2013:1592639167459347_liked_by_10153688983738821 Karl Birkir Flosason https://www.facebook.com/100001398384863/posts/1592639167459347#liked-by-10153688983738821
In reply to a post on waterpigs.co.ukI see sines.