1. Is violently expelling mucus from our faces really the most efficient way of removing pathogens from the body that 20 million years of evolution could come up with?

  2. I have this bad musical habit of always hearing music in my head as sung vocal notes (dum de daa, etc.). New project is to train myself to constantly experiment with reorchestrating it in as many different forms as I can.

  3. There is value to seemingly insignificant atoms of personal content (e.g. the stereotypical what I’m eating/doing/feeling right now) — providing context for more significant pieces of content; self reflection and the creation of new content molecules

  4. Pondering the utility of a “draft blog post titles” listing on my homepage, partly as a teaser, partly as a reminder to myself

  5. When dealing with character encoding issues I repeatedly get this feeling that we need to throw away computing and programming and redesign it all in a way which prevents stupid, hard-to-debug problems from happening live in trees and eat pita bread all day

  6. Digging through some mailing list archives I pulled recently revealed some familiar faces, some interesting stories and SO MUCH amazing information lost in the depths of the web.

  7. Just did a bit of tweaking to my and it’s performing better than it has for weeks! The weather today must suit it perfectly — it’s all nice and crisp. Might have to go and play in the park after lunch.

  8. Normal Saturday cleaning and shopping routine this morning, then went for a hike and drove around under the sea with a pirate, a stripper wearing an authentic green beret and a designer with back to front organs.

    Because, y’know,

  9. Just realised that I haven’t turned on the TV for a month. Instead been walking, making things, watching films, reading. Feels good.