1. Hydro-fold, a 3D printer of sorts.

    By adding water to printer ink and printing fold patterns onto regular paper, self-folding origami is possible. Whilst not quite as impressive as conventional 3D printers, the possibility of printing a self-assembling structure with volume from a normal printer is somewhat exciting

  2. What happened when I started a feminist society at school is a wonderfully written article documenting the troubles encountered by some humans trying to promote their equality with other humans

    One of the worst parts of this is the school blatantly victim-blaming:

    As such, we will take steps to recommend students remove words or images that they place online that could compromise their safety or that of other students at the school.

    Seeing as the activism was happening on the web, I read this as “give up, don’t offend the misogynists, they might hurt you”, which could hardly be called “support”. The pseudo-politicalese “take steps to recommend” is vague and and improvable.

    Clearly such institutions cannot be trusted to support the fight for equality.

  3. I’m rather impressed with guzzlephp.org’s HTTP Link header abstraction. Parsing Link headers and providing a simple API to check for the existence of/fetch links by rel is welcome attention to detail and cements it’s position as the only PHP HTTP client I will likely ever need.

  4. Human Theremin using conductive ink

    Using hand built circuitry I was able to turn my sister into a fully functioning theremin, the idea being that eventually the equipment could be used by dancers to create music that relies entirely on choreography and body movement to generate sound as they dance. In this way the visual performance and the audio become intrinsically linked and thus the viewer is able to ‘see’ the sound as it is created.