is an amazing social graph API for the #indieweb. Great work Glenn Jones!
Google say there’s a “significant” number of pages sending X-Pingback
— I'd like to see actual stats.
@cssquirrel “if” we have thoughts? You mean there’s a possibility we won’t?! My “thoughts” would fill a podcast on their own, but no–one wants to listen to me ranting to myself ;)
.Jeremy Keith you're wrong! Twitter have done us all a huge favour by preventing the zombie apocalypse:
Some of the social advantages of s/ /via @sophiedennis
I’m making a set of PHP5 classes to represent data in applications: #indieweb
Ben Ward I cross post, so added to my todo list. Would also be good if they followed
@sandeepshetty do you use IRC? Lots of good #fsw discussion on #indiewebcamp channel and the IWC wiki
@sandeepshetty fab :) I want to get Salmon working so I can reply/fave/etc. from my own software but it’s bloody awkward. Currently in the process of publishing some ideas on how magic sigs could be more effectively used. In the mean time, Pingback FTW!
@sandeepshetty followed. Try subscribing to my PuSH-enabled atom feed! Go following → remote →
Makers of cross–posting software, please care for your cross–links: /cc @tapbots @appdotnet
Ward Cunningham’s Smallest Federated Wiki never fails to amaze me:
Putting together a Contacts module for my new website ‘cos the web’s a social network and social = people
People who want to build ‘the indieweb’ as opposed to ‘a part of the indieweb’ are doomed to fail. The web, and so the indieweb, is (or should be) a Platform Agnostic Platform
Idea: I set up a service where you pay $50 for a domain name and web hosting with statusnet installed.
Like data and federation? You’ll love Smallest Federated Wiki. Check out
Just testing out — looks great for testing PuSH
Having properly read through the spec for Salmon and Magic Signatures I actually think it’s a pretty good system.
Hello, Facebook users!