Weave: get the full #indieweb story seamlessly on twitter.com.
A cross-browser add-on which expands truncated POSSE tweet copies of indieweb content in the Twitter UI.
Install now for Firefox, Opera, Safari or Chrome.
@cstanhope Twitter do indeed shorten all links, they’re just a little bit more honest about it. But I’m certainly going to make the extension unshorten them all too (there’s enough info in the HTML do to that without extra HTTP requests).
@fraying we saw some being selectively tested, documented them here: http://indiewebcamp.com/reply-context#Twitter_home_page
Personally I dislike the current design more for the changes in directionality without clear delineation, but the blue lines are weird too.
Laughing at the @twitter docs using “t.co” and “best practices” in the same sentence: dev.twitter.com/docs/tco-url-wrapper/best-practices
Just got an all-new type of email spam from @twitter — notifications that a tweet I was mentioned in was favourited :/ /cc Tantek Çelik
Battle for the planet of the APIs by Jeremy Keith — nice piece of writing, it’s worth pointing out that Twitter still includes rel=me links back to homepages, but is increasingly wrapping them with t.co, making them fairly useless.
Whilst I admire RSS as a rallying cry for the openness of data on the web, I don’t like it much, mainly due to it’s DRY violation. microformats2 is the better solution.
Jeremy Keith I know Aaron Parecki currently has a script to convert twitter pages into microformats 2 canonical JSON, I think it should be here but he hasn’t pushed it yet :)
I have not stopped laughing at KimKierkegaard’s tweets all morning.
/via Crispin Walker #pseudophilosophy #twitter
Turns out the #microformats 2 JSON structures enable safe entity expansion just like twitter entities.
In my reply contexts I am not wanting to embed 3rd party HTML in my site, so I take the p-summary and strip tags. But, I want embedded h-cards to be expanded just like at-mentions on twitter. Pseudocode:
let h-card = canonical JSON structure for a note, with .summary as a plaintext representation of the content;
for item in h-card.children:
if not in_array('h-card', item.type) continue;
let html = HTML representation of the child from properties.url, name, etc;
replace item.value in h-card.summary with html
Example here.
Twitter’s “you only see replies from people you follow if you also follow the target of the reply” model is quite fascinating because it means that, within a particular community, the number of tweets you see is not directly proportional to the number of people you follow. It’s probably square or cubic, perhaps I’ll model it and see.
Poll: Have any of you ever used twitter.com’s “Email this tweet” action (in ••• More, above Embed Tweet for some reason)? #webactions
benward heh, or not :/ Hopefully this time though. If not I won’t bother you with any more of these tweets :)
Here is the wrap-up of @t and @zeldman and others discussing self hosting and links: http://notes.tomhenrich.com/2011/01/own-your-data/ /cc @tommorris #indieweb/
Note that myself and Aaron Parecki are overcoming some of these UX issues with things like Indieweb Reply, syndicated conversations and smart truncenation algorithms.
tweetcc: I license my tweets under a Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication
I am hugely annoyed at @twitter’s API stupidity, but almost as annoyed by their failure to provide a consistent tweet authoring experience across their platform.
If I see “remaining chars = 0”, I expect the tweet to post, not give me some near-meaningless error message. I also expect URLs to be automatically detected and compensated for consistently across the platform. This is just crap #ui.
@cssquirrel “if” we have thoughts? You mean there’s a possibility we won’t?! My “thoughts” would fill a podcast on their own, but no–one wants to listen to me ranting to myself ;)
.Jeremy Keith you're wrong! Twitter have done us all a huge favour by preventing the zombie apocalypse: http://photos.waterpigs.co.uk/p/ps
Ben Ward I cross post, so added to my todo list. Would also be good if they followed http://indiewebcamp.com/syndication_formats