Beware debates about implementation that weren't preceded by debate and agreement on the desired outcome.
Particularly relevant to the #indieweb and #fedsocweb
/by rjs
Beware debates about implementation that weren't preceded by debate and agreement on the desired outcome.
Particularly relevant to the #indieweb and #fedsocweb
/by rjs
One #ux fail I’m seeing more and more is the “we’ve got a different version of this site for your locality! Would you like to go to it?” whole-page overlay on permalink pages. So many problems:
After RSVPing the local #wp10 meetup tonight, I get an email with shared signup details for so I can post my photos from the party to their site.
This is another, rather bizarre example of WordPress promoting monoculture. Even funnier is this misguided quote from the email:
If you don't already have the WordPress mobile app for your smartphone, you'll want to download it so that you can upload pictures and post to the site right from the party. It would be a good idea to add the site to your mobile app before your party so you don't have to worry about it later.
Paraphrased: “So that you can participate TO THE MAX, post to our hosted silo and download yet another app that you’ll delete straight away”.
Nevertheless, I plan to download the app and try it out as I’ve never used it before and WordPress UX tends to be pretty good. Perhaps then discuss the whole thing in #indiewebcamp on freenode to brainstorm a better way of doing this topic-based aggregation.
“For you to think [my] data belongs to your company is an ethical mirage cast by technical constraints”
Scott Jenson making lots of sense as usual in A Stormy Sky of Cranky Clouds
The problem with all mapping software ever:
“Hm, that placename is a bit small to read” (zooms in) “TEXT, WHY U GET SMALLER AGAIN”
Application of #geo notes or similar: reminding people to contact people in areas they don't go to often. Potential flow:
karlpro I shouldn’t really have to sign up in order to leave a comment, but in the interests of promoting #microformats I will :)
boagworld is particularly bad as it makes the visitor feel as if they have made a mistake :/
laurakalbag they add significant value to conversations, as they provide a recognisable visual indication of who is speaking and where each comment starts/ends. I am inclined against comments, but would recommend having avatars if you do :)
I updated my Web Actions spec/document with better terminology and examples:
Also RE twitter syndication UX: with self hosted notes we have the chance to make a really robust threaded/branched conversation model via rel
values, something @twitter lacks /cc Tom Morris #indieweb
Aaron Parecki I wish they would show you which email/number they're calling if you hav multiple. Gives it some context.
sophiedennis I am a member of an excellent musical instrument design group but don’t contribute much due to horrible UI and uninformative emails
Conclusion from photography website UX session: “On the web, there are communities, and then there’s “Community””
Jack Way now you’re just confusing me :( Previous error is due to weird Accept:
headers, no idea what’s causing that one
Aral Balkan impressive, but isn’t that an ergonomic nightmare?
Aral Balkan the other interesting effect I get is an increase in perceived productivity. Closing an app via multitouch instead of physical button seems a more fluid UI
Okay, this morning I’m diving into Web Actions/Activities/Intents. Wish me luck: