Hey cool, there’s an API for the IUCN Red List https://www.assembla.com/spaces/sis/wiki/Red_List_API — perhaps I shall make a twitter bot which replies to @_everybird_ when it tweets about EN/CR/EW/EX species…
Hey cool, there’s an API for the IUCN Red List https://www.assembla.com/spaces/sis/wiki/Red_List_API — perhaps I shall make a twitter bot which replies to @_everybird_ when it tweets about EN/CR/EW/EX species…
@snarfed ah, I tend to scrape twitter.com using github.com/indieweb/php-mf2-shim as it’s forced to return results which are useful to humans :)
Ugh. Facebook’s API is so un-webby. There’s no way of getting a public-facing URL from graph API JSON. Meh, the URLs will probably change soon anyway :/