1. “…the very act of building information technologies is also the act of creating specific moral systems”

    “Information technologists may therefore be in the business of creating moral systems whether they know it or not and whether or not they want that responsibility.”

    Information Technology and Moral Values, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
  2. yiddishsong.wordpress.com/2012/07/06/di-gantse-velt-iz-hevl-havolim-performed-by-lillian-manuel has some interesting background about the song “Hevl iz Havolim”, and one of the comments has what appears to be a quite extensive translation, but of a different version — it doesn’t translate the two longer verses in the middle of the version the Klezmatics sing.

    That version is covered by this klesmer-musik.de/hevl_iz_havolim.htm German version, which seems to line up better with the sung lyrics, but Google-translated the middle verses are still rather vague. I suspect they’re using idioms and imagery which does not easily translate word-for-word.

  3. MTU has this wonderful explanation of the differences in physics between open/closed conical and cylindical bore instruments. Try some of the equations out in grapher or an equivalent!

    Open cylindrical bore (e.g. panpipes): y=sin(nx)

    Closed conical bore (e.g. saxophone): y=sin(nx)/nx

    where n is the harmonic e.g. 1, 2, 3, 4 etc. in both cases.