1. The gig went alright, considering we had major bagpipe tuning problems (chanter stuck a quarter-tone between F# and G). Thanks to everyone who came!

    Now I’ve played Bach in front of a paying audience I feel like a real musician. Couldn’t have done it without Robin Andrews though :)

  2. Application of notes or similar: reminding people to contact people in areas they don't go to often. Potential flow:

    • I create an event with a location
    • my software searches my contacts for people in this area
    • a list of those contacts are presented in a non modal fashion
    • If I can't remember where I met the person, hovering on them shows date and location of when I added them to my contacts
  3. Learning new trompette patterns with Gregory Jolivet, and decided to try to evolve a micro syntax for representing them in notes, so I can add some SVG or Audio-API magic afterwards.

    1 4 1 3 1 4 1 3 1234 1234 1234 1 3

    And a variation: 12 4 1 3 12 4 1 3 1234 1234 1234 1

  4. I propose this law of system personality:

    Put a system in a box and it becomes a thing. Give a thing a name and it becomes a product. Give a product a brand/atmosphere and it gains a personality.

  5. Just pushed a load of changes to auto-tagging which should make structured, tag–based querying of notes way easier.

    This note should be tagged with mention, reply, quote and location as it contains all of that data.

    Some Test Quote with a mention in