1. I got tired of WPSM looking and working the way it does (I wrote it when I was 13 and learning PHP), so I’ve taken the data and started building the Music module. Live here. Major but already looking and working better than the old one!

  2. superfeedr: @BarnabyWalters Thanks Barnaby :) [Also, I could not log into your site with indieAuth :/]

    superfeedr yeah, there’s a weird bug where logging in only works the second time round — I haven’t fixed it yet as I rarely have to log in! At the mo there is little benefit to others logging in but I may add private content/collaborative features in the future. Crowd-sourced typo fixing FTW ;)

  3. Essentially, my previous design had reached local maximum, so I’m going back to basics.

    I’ve decided it’s important that styling doesn’t fight or contradict markup, so I’m hoping that adding it progressively only where it is needed will make my code more maintainable.

  4. Got a lot of work done on my publishing software today. This is in preparation to using it on a friend’s site, then releasing all the components into the public. Exciting stuff!

  5. Decided I’m sick of my current site design, but that with a few very small changes I can make it look a whole lot better. Woo design iteration!

  6. Aaron Parecki: Looking at #opensource alternatives to Google Analytics. Anybody tried http://t.co/JCWexJnD or... #indieweb http://t.co/GKonCjpC

    Aaron Parecki I use and enjoy Piwik. Real-time analytics is great and the API can be really useful too. In fact I don’t use it as much as I’d like to.

  7. FInally, I have some relatively sensible pagination. /notes returns last 10 days by default, single days can be specified with ?day=YYYY-MM-DD or ?day=YYYY-DDD