1. Got a lot of work done on my publishing software today. This is in preparation to using it on a friend’s site, then releasing all the components into the public. Exciting stuff!

  2. Decided I’m sick of my current site design, but that with a few very small changes I can make it look a whole lot better. Woo design iteration!

  3. Aaron Parecki: Looking at #opensource alternatives to Google Analytics. Anybody tried http://t.co/JCWexJnD or... #indieweb http://t.co/GKonCjpC

    Aaron Parecki I use and enjoy Piwik. Real-time analytics is great and the API can be really useful too. In fact I don’t use it as much as I’d like to.

  4. FInally, I have some relatively sensible pagination. /notes returns last 10 days by default, single days can be specified with ?day=YYYY-MM-DD or ?day=YYYY-DDD