1. There is value to seemingly insignificant atoms of personal content (e.g. the stereotypical what I’m eating/doing/feeling right now) — providing context for more significant pieces of content; self reflection and the creation of new content molecules

  2. Pondering the utility of a “draft blog post titles” listing on my homepage, partly as a teaser, partly as a reminder to myself

  3. When dealing with character encoding issues I repeatedly get this feeling that we need to throw away computing and programming and redesign it all in a way which prevents stupid, hard-to-debug problems from happening live in trees and eat pita bread all day

  4. Digging through some mailing list archives I pulled recently revealed some familiar faces, some interesting stories and SO MUCH amazing information lost in the depths of the web.

  5. Just did a bit of tweaking to my and it’s performing better than it has for weeks! The weather today must suit it perfectly — it’s all nice and crisp. Might have to go and play in the park after lunch.

  6. Normal Saturday cleaning and shopping routine this morning, then went for a hike and drove around under the sea with a pirate, a stripper wearing an authentic green beret and a designer with back to front organs.

    Because, y’know,

  7. Just realised that I haven’t turned on the TV for a month. Instead been walking, making things, watching films, reading. Feels good.

  8. Had rather a long, interesting and slightly awkward conversation with some Icelandic chaps in a bar, covering the difference between belief and knowledge, origins of the Icelandic people and the nature of tools.

    Conclusions: Humans are the only animals to create recursive tools, and I am (apparently) an alchemist.

  9. Attempt to climb Esya thwarted by bad weather, closed bus station and confusingly numbered buses. Went for a 4 hour walk along the coast, which ended in a tasty kebab accident. Now reading Tufte at the office.