1. Just had my first truly nerve wracking driving experience. A car pulled out of a give way in front of me (they could clearly see me). I started to slow but realised I would hit them — sped up at the last moment and missed them by about 30cm.

  2. Stressful evening and now stressful morning — wondering round the house with a cushion like a flagellant trying to get burnt food smell out. Looking forward to a nice quiet afternoon instrument making.

  3. .Brennan Novak yeah, it’s like driving — the ability to concentrate on your overall journey, the road in the distance, the road ahead, the road directly in front of you, the road behind and all the various controls at the same time.

  4. Emil Björklund: Take a look at the diagram I just retweeted. Ambiguous date formats annoy me... Just use ISO, please. It's easy: falling granularity, Y-m-d.

    @thatemil RRRR yes, ambiguous date formats are so stupid, especially when they’re on tickets (british rail, I’m looking at you)

  5. School grades are a measure of how socially acceptable your level of remembering–ability was when you did the exams, relative to everyone else.

    Therefore, their meaning and value deteriorate over time. The value and meaning of things you create and add to the world generally increase with time (become more well-known, better used, refined, etc.)