First PuSH subscription ping successfully received! Yay!
First PuSH subscription ping successfully received! Yay!
Slowly getting a PuSH subscription service working. It should be fairly easy to turn it, once finished, into a layered library so people can either bolt it onto a Silex/Symfony app and have it all just work, or use the lower level client and logic in other frameworks.
@mapkyca nice brainstorming, loving the idea of #microformats2 key discovery for private content! (I publish a link to my PGP key on my homepage, if you want to test it out :)
Have you had a look at PuSH v0.4? It’s way simpler than old PuSH and is no longer strongly tied to RSS/ATOM content.
Note also that the “argh my little site got popular and is dying” thing can be solved even with your simpler system, by making the endpoint an external service. Woo hypermedia discovery over well-known URLs!
Specced out improvements to #pubsubhubbub after use-case-driven discussion in #indiewebcamp: focusing on simplicity, reusability, content-agnosticism. Comments/discussion appreciated on wiki, IRC or your own sites /cc Brett Slatkin
sandeepshetty hm, I'd actually say push based systems are super useful (certainly I have personal use cases which are too big for me to want to poll) but PuSH is way too complicated. It’s actually something I’m working on improving, as you did with Pingback => webfinger