1. Human Theremin using conductive ink

    Using hand built circuitry I was able to turn my sister into a fully functioning theremin, the idea being that eventually the equipment could be used by dancers to create music that relies entirely on choreography and body movement to generate sound as they dance. In this way the visual performance and the audio become intrinsically linked and thus the viewer is able to ‘see’ the sound as it is created.

  2. After RSVPing the local meetup tonight, I get an email with shared signup details for wp10.wordpress.net so I can post my photos from the party to their site.

    This is another, rather bizarre example of WordPress promoting monoculture. Even funnier is this misguided quote from the email:

    If you don't already have the WordPress mobile app for your smartphone, you'll want to download it so that you can upload pictures and post to the site right from the party. It would be a good idea to add the site to your mobile app before your party so you don't have to worry about it later.

    Paraphrased: “So that you can participate TO THE MAX, post to our hosted silo and download yet another app that you’ll delete straight away”.

    Nevertheless, I plan to download the app and try it out as I’ve never used it before and WordPress UX tends to be pretty good. Perhaps then discuss the whole thing in on freenode to brainstorm a better way of doing this topic-based aggregation.

  3. The spam on the wiki just gets weirder and weirder. This one is masterfully surreal in all its mundane glory:

    “How about a garage door you can see through? Well almost”
    “The neat thing is that these are overhead sectional garage doors just like any other.”
    “Can you acquire a bucket of paint?”
    “you'll amaze yourself”
    “Now that you understand how financially important your garage door really is to you, it is time to get to work.”

  4. Miyazaki says, "Our job as animators is not only to draw scenes. We must find the minimum necessary and important lines for the specific movement in a given action. The techniques of animation drawing are not the same as those of painting a still picture. Animation is a consequence of the audience's perception of movement created by sequential drawings. For this reason, each drawing in the sequence -- especially the lines -- should not be drawn too detailed; rather, they should be drawn less [detailed] and create an instant pause in the sequential movement.” (source)

    Sounds a lot like UI design to me.

  5. Small rooms or dwellings help the mind to concentrate itself; large rooms are a source of distraction.

    Thoughts on Art and Life

    Note that I skipped a whole tonne of Da Vinci’s longer notes, which can be summarised as: “painting is great, poetry is rubbish, music and sculpture are somewhere in between”.