1. The spam on the wiki just gets weirder and weirder. This one is masterfully surreal in all its mundane glory:

    “How about a garage door you can see through? Well almost”
    “The neat thing is that these are overhead sectional garage doors just like any other.”
    “Can you acquire a bucket of paint?”
    “you'll amaze yourself”
    “Now that you understand how financially important your garage door really is to you, it is time to get to work.”

  2. Turns out the 2 JSON structures enable safe entity expansion just like twitter entities.

    In my reply contexts I am not wanting to embed 3rd party HTML in my site, so I take the p-summary and strip tags. But, I want embedded h-cards to be expanded just like at-mentions on twitter. Pseudocode:

    let h-card = canonical JSON structure for a note, with .summary as a plaintext representation of the content;
    for item in h-card.children:
     if not in_array('h-card', item.type) continue;
     let html = HTML representation of the child from properties.url, name, etc;
     replace item.value in h-card.summary with html

    Example here.

  3. That excellent post of Tantek Çelik’s, like all well–hyperlinked documents, lead me to a whole raft of great resources I hadn’t come across before:

    (In other news: I need to make a “dump tabs into new note dialog” browser )