1. Ryan Barrett:

    Heard an amazing rumor from a trusted source yesterday: after 10+ years on PHP, Automattic is looking at porting WordPress to Node.js. No joke. Whoa.

    @schnarfed not sure what to think of this. On one hand it might push more webhosts to support “anything other than PHP” which would be great, on the other hand it’s probably going to add to the oft-parroted nonsense that PHP is inherently a bad language.

  2. Thomas Steiner: Getting started w/ #microformats2 http://microformats.org/2014/03/05/getting-started-with-microformats2 …. @BarnabyWalters, is http://waterpigs.co.uk/php-mf2  100% correct w/ single elem & > 1 type?

    @tomayac for example like this?

    <a class="h-card h-org">Hypothetica Inc.</a>

    php-mf2 gives

        "items": [
                "type": [
                "properties": {
                    "name": [
        "rels": [

    which is correct, one microformat with multiple vocabularies, which effectively allows multiple vocabularies to be mixed, e.g. you can have a h-review which is also an h-entry.

  3. Jan B.: @BarnabyWalters @ZacharyTong but doesn't work on Debian Squeeze and depends on a specific minor version of PHP

    @bracki pity it doesn’t work on Squeeze (why is that?), as far as I can see it doesn’t depend on a particular version of PHP, just anything greater than 5.3.9 — "php": ">=5.3.9", to be exact.

  4. Micah N Gorrell: @BarnabyWalters Those would work as well but would limit it's use to an actual browser. What is wrong with an HTTP header for this?

    @_minego links with the rel semantic can be used both in human-visible markup for improved back-compatibility and quick error-spotting (as well as layering on top of existing solution) and also in HTTP headers for machine-only use

  5. Barnaby Walters: #idea: a microformat for download signatures/checksums, allowing browsers to automatically verify files without people having to go into the terminal and use shasum or gpg --verify

    Of course the more significant thing is UI considerations: how to offer this info to the downloader, how to explain what the various possible outcomes mean and what action the user should take as a result of them