@aaronpk nicely done! Interesting UI choice to show the URL which vouched replies — presumably you’re also archiving the vouch pages? Also, are you planning on applying something like domain-based webmention approval also to silo replies? e.g. treating twitter.com/username as a “domain”
Aaron Parecki:
Just launched a bunch of #p3k updates:
* Webmention handler now accepts a "vouch" parameter. If you send one, it will attempt to verify the vouch and reject the mention if the vouch is not approved. For backwards compatibility right now, webmentions are still accepted without a vouch parameter.
* Webmentions that are vouched will show the URL that vouched for them alongside the comment.
* Inbound links from referers are tracked internally which I will eventually use when trying to find a vouch URL when I want to send one.
* I am now indexing domains that I link to, which is used internally for webmention approval, but is also exposed at a URL structure like http://aaronparecki.com/links-to/tantek.com
* Imported my entire food logs from August 2013, so my date permalinks since then now show everything I've eaten: http://aaronparecki.com/2014/01/01