Trying to get GPT-2 to generate new Star Wars movies produces sadly uncreative results, although I’m impressed by its ability to not only coherently increment the episode number I prompted it with, but to come up with and correctly increment its own counter.

Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace
Star Wars Episode 2: Attack of the Clones
Star Wars Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith (Part 1)
Star Wars Episode 4: The Empire Strikes Back
Star Wars Episode 5: A New Hope
Star Wars Episode 6: Attack of the Clones (Part 2)
Star Wars Episode 7: The Empire Strikes Back (Part 3)
Star Wars Episode 8: The Empire Strikes Back (Part 4)
Star Wars Episode 9: Revenge of the Sith (Part 5)
Star Wars Episode 10: Attack of the Clones (Part 6)
Star Wars Episode 11: Return of the Jedi (Part 7)
Star Wars Episode 12: Attack of the Clones (Part 8)
Star Wars Episode 13: Revenge of the Sith (Part 9)
Star Wars Episode 14: Revenge of the Sith (Part 10)
Star Wars Episode 15: Return of the Jedi (Part 11)
Star Wars Episode 16: The Republic Strikes Back (Part 12)
Star Wars Episode 17: Endor (Part 13)
Star Wars Episode 18: Rebel Assault
Star Wars Episode 19: The Lost Missions (Part 14)
Star Wars Episode 20: Death Star

I’m not sure how I feel about “The Phantom Menace II”, but I’d watch the hell out of an entire film of “Jedi Training”. Actually that’s what I hoped TLJ would be based on the end of TFA; one glorious 2.5hr long training montage. Oh well.

Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace
Star Wars Episode 2: Attack of the Clones
Star Wars Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith
Star Wars Episode 4: The Empire Strikes Back
Star Wars Episode 5: Jedi Training
Star Wars Episode 6: The Phantom Menace II
Star Wars Episode 7: Return of the Jedi
Star Wars Episode 8: Revenge of the Sith
Star Wars Episode 9: Han Solo's Revenge (with commentary)
Star Wars Episode 10: Revenge of the Sith II (with commentary)
Star Wars Episode 11: X-Wing vs. Scarif
