1. Turns out the 2 JSON structures enable safe entity expansion just like twitter entities.

    In my reply contexts I am not wanting to embed 3rd party HTML in my site, so I take the p-summary and strip tags. But, I want embedded h-cards to be expanded just like at-mentions on twitter. Pseudocode:

    let h-card = canonical JSON structure for a note, with .summary as a plaintext representation of the content;
    for item in h-card.children:
     if not in_array('h-card', item.type) continue;
     let html = HTML representation of the child from properties.url, name, etc;
     replace item.value in h-card.summary with html

    Example here.

  2. Ben Werdmuller: Just realized I'll never make it onto a 30 Under 30 list. Time to start preparing for that 80 Over 80 feature. Watch out, world!

    Ben Werdmuller I shouldn’t worry about it, that trend doesn’t scale either way — “Top 10 under 10!” “Top 4 under 4!” “Top 1 under 1!” “Top 1000 under 1000!”

  3. I love it when there’s lots of snow on the ground. It enables us to see in (blurry) 4D.

    And I get to draw googly eyes on all the bins.

  4. Miyazaki says, "Our job as animators is not only to draw scenes. We must find the minimum necessary and important lines for the specific movement in a given action. The techniques of animation drawing are not the same as those of painting a still picture. Animation is a consequence of the audience's perception of movement created by sequential drawings. For this reason, each drawing in the sequence -- especially the lines -- should not be drawn too detailed; rather, they should be drawn less [detailed] and create an instant pause in the sequential movement.” (source)

    Sounds a lot like UI design to me.

  5. If you want to generate real PDFs from HTML (i.e. with page breaks and real text, not just vast screenshots inside a PDF) then wkpdf is the way to go. Super fast, installs easily, great output.