1. ♫ Folded Peaks

    beneath every surface the gnarls of a
    lifetime, revealed in passing by passing surfaces
    sudden depths, a scream erupting
    unexpectedly, harmony

    Walnut Ambika + Colorsound Overdriver

  2. Blaine Cook: Apparently personal use is exempted. Wasn't clear to me reading through, but makes sense.

    AFAIK the big questions for the “personal use” exemption is exactly where the boundary is between personal and commercial usage. Most of the stuff I read about it so far agreed that it’s vaguely worded.

  3. Successfully exhibited my acoustic/electric/electronic gurdy at the Mazurki Festival Tagowisko Instrumentow! Thanks to everyone who came by, and a special shout-out to the one person who recognised the Shruthi XT!

  4. Dramatic happenings at the mill last night! A huge dead tree fell over the bridge, causing a minor earthquake. Nobody hurt apart from a fence (which fortunately doesn’t even belong to us)

  5. Brian Suda: works on a simple iOS action extension to get you word count, reading level and (more to come) hard core writing statistics. This should work in any writing app so you never need to change your workflow. Scratching his own itch is the best kind.pic.twitter.com/JfErA0uktB

    @briansuda what on earth is “Gender: Weak Female”?!

  6. I’ll be at the Mazurki Festival Tagowisko Instrumentów (Musical Instrument Exhibition) with my instruments on Saturday the 28th. It’s not on the English programme, but is on the Polish one so is definitely happening! Come and try out my gurdies, and see my (experimental) MIDI system and hybrid synth in action!

  7. Brian Suda: Dear Lazyweb, does anyone know someone who is an expert in Art History, specifically portraitures. The, would they be interested in chatting about a potential project based on some of his crazy ideas. Mainly looking into the future of how we see ourselves based on the past.

    @briansuda clarerosehistory.com is a friend of mine in the UK. Website is mainly focused on textiles, but IIRC she also knows a lot about portraiture

  8. Hurdy Gurdy , finished and picked up by the customer!

    3x chanters, 2x drones, 2x trompettes, 4x capos, 4x sympathetic strings, 3 channel active preamp system. Very happy with how this one came out — in fact I need to retro-fit some of the electronics changes onto my own instrument… No more 50Hz hum!

  9. Anyone trying to buy stackable ("Arduino-style") headers from eBay, "elec_mall2012" is the only Chinese seller I've come across who actually shipped stackable headers. All the others shipped normal ones.

    The other sellers were always very good about refunds, but shipping takes so long that it's still a waste of time. Would recommend buying from elec_mall2012, or just shelling out the extra few euros to buy the headers from a US or EU component dealer.