1. FInally, I have some relatively sensible pagination. /notes returns last 10 days by default, single days can be specified with ?day=YYYY-MM-DD or ?day=YYYY-DDD

  2. If you’re using Chome and you quit accidentally, losing important text forever, don’t panic! It can be found in /Application Support/Google/Chrome/Default/Last Session (on a Mac) with a bit of digging around.

  3. I’ve been having this problem with OpenPhoto which resulted in having over 90,000 records in my tags table.

    To fix this problem, simply run this sql:

    ALTER IGNORE TABLE  `database name`.`prefix_tag` ADD UNIQUE  `unique` (  `id` )
  4. Something I learnt just now: HTML <ins> and <del> have datetime attrs for keeping track of changes.

    This is handy as I’ve been wondering about those for a while. Interestingly they have a cite attr too (to a URL describing changes made) w

  5. I’ve recently started using these styles for adding automargins (margic = magic + margin) to floated items:

    .floatLeft.margic { margin-right: 1em; }
    .floatRight.margic { margin-left: 1em; }