There’s art in each individual system, but there’s a much greater art in the union of all the systems we create @davewiner
There’s art in each individual system, but there’s a much greater art in the union of all the systems we create @davewiner
“Do those guys never stop wittering on?” John Walters on @boagworld podcast
This is messed up Jake the Dog
Yeah, you got that right… #adventureTime
“If we had velcro on every surface we could stick egg goo to the walls” Jesse Woodward
I’m not sure you’re really visualising the full potential of this innovation…
Never trust anyone who has a nise glouse in side yak. Some Indian Guy
“Nothing gets bugs fixed faster than when the developers themselves are constantly hitting them!” Scripted, a JavaScript Editor
“If you can't tell what's important to the user, better to avoid confusing/distracting them with things that are not” Tantek Çelik
“It was nice of him to wrap it up in newspaper” Joyce Walters
“It’s certainly a rat. I’ve seen squashed rats before” Oscar Walters
“I’ve seen loads of dead rats. I’d be happier if it had been a cat” John Walters
“Turn it up to full power and bounce it off the walls!”
I never realised photography was so sci fi
“The one-open-source-implementation-to-rule-them-all methodology is obsolete, let a 1,000 indieweb implementations bloom.” Tantek Çelik
“Our updated SDK is really cool” RIM, in possibly the worst filking ever
“I feel like memory has ruled my life”
“I think it’s a really nice ability”
Different people deal with total recall in different ways #lifestreaming
“A photo is the closest you can get to turning a memory into an object”
“I can do curly quotes on the mac keyboard now”Barnaby Walters
“Baa baa black dog do you have any poo?” the QVC ladies
When you can take a machine to bits and see how it works, you get a clear feeling for the constraints within which it has to operate. - Terry Pratchett
This has always been one of my prime reasons for encouraging the study of engineering and now progra