“Sometimes we are lucky enough to know that our lives have been changed, to discard the old, embrace the new and run headlong down an immutable course” Jacques Cousteau
“Sometimes we are lucky enough to know that our lives have been changed, to discard the old, embrace the new and run headlong down an immutable course” Jacques Cousteau
From Steve Jobs, The man who thought different:
The result, the World Wide Web, what we know today as the Internet
Just because the book is not intended for a technical audience does not excuse blatant mistakes. If anything, it makes accuracy more important.
Earlier, aral wittily quipped:
The CMS I use for my personal sites is called a file system. You might have heard of it. #indieweb
I disagree with this premise. Useful and easy as filesystems are, without a wrapper like Jekyll they don’t manage content (resources), they manage representations (typically HTML).
Time to play “guess the Wikipedia article”. Where did this come from?
…blow-up dolls, kickboxing dummies, cardboard cut-outs, and balloons with faces drawn on them.
No googling!
“I'd rather host my data and live with such awkwardness in the open than be a sharecropper on so many beautiful social content farms.” Tantek Çelik
From Will.i.am I want to write code:
#tech“I will not start an initiative until I've spent my own money. Because if I spend my own money, people who want to get on board afterwards know that I am serious about it.”
He used to go to nightclubs, but now he goes to conferences "which are better than clubs because they still have music and after-parties but you get knowledged-up before the party".
Clean pirates:
“This is a scrutiny. We are taking over the ship” Scrutineers everywhere
A web where everyone develops their own ideas and tools independent of one another is like a room full of people talking and no one listening. @trentwalton
There’s art in each individual system, but there’s a much greater art in the union of all the systems we create @davewiner
“Do those guys never stop wittering on?” John Walters on @boagworld podcast
This is messed up Jake the Dog
Yeah, you got that right… #adventureTime
“If we had velcro on every surface we could stick egg goo to the walls” Jesse Woodward
I’m not sure you’re really visualising the full potential of this innovation…
Never trust anyone who has a nise glouse in side yak. Some Indian Guy
“Nothing gets bugs fixed faster than when the developers themselves are constantly hitting them!” Scripted, a JavaScript Editor
“If you can't tell what's important to the user, better to avoid confusing/distracting them with things that are not” Tantek Çelik
“It was nice of him to wrap it up in newspaper” Joyce Walters
“It’s certainly a rat. I’ve seen squashed rats before” Oscar Walters