“We have to start the cow paths for the world. The paved paths are for the privileged.” (source) by inkpixelspaper
“We have to start the cow paths for the world. The paved paths are for the privileged.” (source) by inkpixelspaper
Thoroughly enjoyed the #sfw hangout tonight, demonstrating #indieauth and learning about forkthelaw.org /cc @wardcunningham Aaron Parecki
Unhosted Adventures — a great guide to setting up your own #indieweb server /via Travis Wellman
I don't feel emotionally intelligent enough to write anything which adequately sums up my anger at the sexism-in-tech situation.
Fortunately, @sazzy, rellyab and many others are, and have. Props to you all, keep going, I will support you however I can.
http://www.sazzy.co.uk/2013/02/speaking-up/ http://rel.ly/2013/02/also-speaking-up/ http://geekfeminism.wikia.com/wiki/Timeline_of_incidents
Authentically Traditional by Robin Andrews is an interesting and welcome take on exactly what it means to be “authentic” in the context of #music /cc sophiedennis #bookmark #link
If minifigs had their own country it would have the largest population today