1. Checked into Gullfoss, Iceland.

    : photos + location in the same note. Currently photos are email upload only. Other possibillity is to derive location data from EXIF metadata

  2. I have this bad musical habit of always hearing music in my head as sung vocal notes (dum de daa, etc.). New project is to train myself to constantly experiment with reorchestrating it in as many different forms as I can.

  3. So I got in-stream reply contexts showing — perhaps summaries of comments next? I like Facebook’s approach of showing the last 4, a total count and a “show me more” button, which could be implemented simply as a link to the note page initially.

    Reply context stream example: http://waterpigs.co.uk/notes?tagged=reply

    Still TODO: make the ↪ a link to the in-replied-to page, add the datetime to the title for that link, remove the in-reply-to info from the bottom of in-stream notes as it’s noise now

  4. Went whale watching, saw several dolphins, two minke whales, a load of puffins and several thousand unexpected jellyfish.

    Comic highlight when the announcer tried to give us a sense of just how big blue whales can be…

    “Imagine a basketball court, with a blue whale in. That basketball game… would be over”

  5. I’m loving the feedback loop of using the things I build.

    Wasn’t blogging much → improved typography, design → want to write more and better.

    Started using my tune stream → discovered a bunch of problems → fixed them, now I can practise more effectively.


    1. Hacking on stuff does have a wider beneficial effect on life, provided you’re making stuff which matters.
    2. Stuff which matters doesn’t have to be life changing in order to matter
  6. Does @mozilla webapp installation actually work? In FF Nightly I see the install, confirmation check, confirmation notification and “launch” button on-page, but then I can’t actually launch anything. It’s also stated that I can launch the application from my Applications folder — but it’s not there.

  7. Joel Stewart: @BarnabyWalters All musical instruments?

    @joelestewart hm, I suppose so. Instruments are mostly one-way though, with a performer transmitting culture to an audience — even if you consider composer to performer, that’s not so much through the instrument.

    Whereas computers are direction-agnostic — one or multiple people can use them simultaneously to consume and create culture. I wonder if that’s one of the reasons why they don’t look like what they do.