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In reply to a post on waterpigs.co.ukHello all! Sorry for the long explanation, I searched a lot but didn't find anything useful so I thought every detail would matter. I've started learning programming with stm32 MCUs, I have a stm32f401ccu6 Black pill and a clone ST Link v2 programmer. - I have installed the latest st link driver and upgraded st link firmware to the latest possible version. - I have set up the wiring according to: https://waterpigs.co.uk/articles/black-blue-pill-stm32-st-link-connection/ I hope it is correct. ## Here's the problem: So yesterday I was hardly struggling to connect st link to st link utility (and keil), since it is now connecting fine I don't explain in detail but today after playing more with settings in st link utility and with reset and boot0 buttons I finally could connect to st link and successfully programmed blinky and the program was running without problem, putting the settings back to the original state didn't cause any error, pressing no button is required. To make sure I finally fixed the problem (while the board was connected to st link and to my PC) I started disconnecting and connecting st link from st link utility, in different states by pressing reset and boot0 buttons. SUDDENLY windows popped up a window and installed a driver! I guess "STM bootloader" and "ST link utility" now existing in windows devices in setting didn't exist there before. I can now successfully program the chip using st link utility, cube ide and keil and in st link utility I can see that the hex file has been correctly loaded to the flash, the problem is that **the LED isn't blinking anymore**! It is worth mentioning that while the board is connected the PC via usb, in addition to "STM32 STLink", "STM BOOTLOADER" is also added in device manager. Things I have tried: - trying to power cycle the MCU, holding boot0 button, powering off the board then powering it on. (Or holding boot0 and pressing and releasing reset button) - Powering the board up from a charger, from the PC, from st link. - Uninstalling STM bootloader from device manager (it keeps adding again) - used an external LED with another pin (I did the configuration in cube mx from the start) I think an easy explanation would be the clone st link and the cheap board, but the program was running perfectly fine before windows (and me!) screwed up something! And firmware is now getting uploaded successfully. Your help is very much appreciated. **EDIT:** I just tried reading boot0 button voltage (As I did some hours ago) then **the LED started blinking**!!! Someone please tell me what is going on here! My impression of STM32 was that it is very reliable, but what I'm seeing right now is the opposite. **EDIT 2:** In cube programmer I put the mode on "connect under reset" and while holding reset, pressed connect. The LED again stopped blinking, the MCU again is in a state that can not exit from. Knowing reading the voltage of boot0 button fixed the problem I tried again and I'm almost sure now that since some resistors are very close to some pins of that button, short circuiting the resistor and those pins fixed the problem. **EDIT 3:** I repeated the process in Edit 2 several times, I'm not exactly sure whether it's short circuiting the resistors with boot0, or reset button, or a combination of all of them that fixes the problem. Anyway the issue is solved but I don't know the reason, in the condition that I explained what happens to the MCU and why it only exit from that state with this solution?Bookmark: reddit.com/r/stm32f4/comm... https://waterpigs.co.uk/articles/black-blue-pill-stm32-st-link-connection/
In reply to a post on waterpigs.co.ukHello all! Sorry for the long explanation, I searched a lot but didn't find anything useful so I thought every detail would matter. I've started learning programming with stm32 MCUs, I have a stm32f401ccu6 Black pill and a clone ST Link v2 programmer. - I have installed the latest st link driver and upgraded st link firmware to the latest possible version. - I have set up the wiring according to: https://waterpigs.co.uk/articles/black-blue-pill-stm32-st-link-connection/ I hope it is correct. ## Here's the problem: So yesterday I was hardly struggling to connect st link to st link utility (and keil), since it is now connecting fine I don't explain in detail but today after playing more with settings in st link utility and with reset and boot0 buttons I finally could connect to st link and successfully programmed blinky and the program was running without problem, putting the settings back to the original state didn't cause any error, pressing no button is required. To make sure I finally fixed the problem (while the board was connected to st link and to my PC) I started disconnecting and connecting st link from st link utility, in different states by pressing reset and boot0 buttons. SUDDENLY windows popped up a window and installed a driver! I guess "STM bootloader" and "ST link utility" now existing in windows devices in setting didn't exist there before. I can now successfully program the chip using st link utility, cube ide and keil and in st link utility I can see that the hex file has been correctly loaded to the flash, the problem is that **the LED isn't blinking anymore**! It is worth mentioning that while the board is connected the PC via usb, in addition to "STM32 STLink", "STM BOOTLOADER" is also added in device manager. Things I have tried: - trying to power cycle the MCU, holding boot0 button, powering off the board then powering it on. (Or holding boot0 and pressing and releasing reset button) - Powering the board up from a charger, from the PC, from st link. - Uninstalling STM bootloader from device manager (it keeps adding again) - used an external LED with another pin (I did the configuration in cube mx from the start) I think an easy explanation would be the clone st link and the cheap board, but the program was running perfectly fine before windows (and me!) screwed up something! And firmware is now getting uploaded successfully. Your help is very much appreciated. **EDIT:** I just tried reading boot0 button voltage (As I did some hours ago) then **the LED started blinking**!!! Someone please tell me what is going on here! My impression of STM32 was that it is very reliable, but what I'm seeing right now is the opposite. **EDIT 2:** In cube programmer I put the mode on "connect under reset" and while holding reset, pressed connect. The LED again stopped blinking, the MCU again is in a state that can not exit from. Knowing reading the voltage of boot0 button fixed the problem I tried again and I'm almost sure now that since some resistors are very close to some pins of that button, short circuiting the resistor and those pins fixed the problem. **EDIT 3:** I repeated the process in Edit 2 several times, I'm not exactly sure, whether it's short circuiting the resistors with boot0, or reset button, or a combination of all of them that fixes the problem. Anyway the issue is solved but I don't know the reason, in the condition that I explained what happens to the MCU and why it only exit from that state with this solution?Bookmark: reddit.com/r/embedded/com... https://waterpigs.co.uk/articles/black-blue-pill-stm32-st-link-connection/
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In reply to a post on waterpigs.co.uk
for anyone looking for similar dice, i found these:
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I want these so bad
In reply to a post on waterpigs.co.uk
Roll 2- choose "advantage"/"disadvantage" based on the circumstances, or have them add/cancel out. I think that would capture the curve while still including the expressive faces. I'd love to try it in my games.
In reply to a post on waterpigs.co.uk
I need this in my life. Where did you get em? 😃
In reply to a post on waterpigs.co.uk
I'd like to have a handful of these to roll for factions. Like, see what all the individual dispositions are, and then have some kind of Yahtzee like mechanic to sway the general opinion.
In reply to a post on waterpigs.co.uk
Yeah I got a pack of 7 different dice with random weather, terrain, directions, dungeon rooms, room features, treasure and reaction. They`re very convenient.
In reply to a post on waterpigs.co.uk
Love to see creative uses for weird dice like these!!
In reply to a post on waterpigs.co.uk
Where can I pick these up I need these damn.
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But... one die alone gives a uniform distribution rather than a normal/gaussian like the traditional two-die reaction roll. And how would you add a Charisma modifier to a face?
In reply to a post on waterpigs.co.uk
The inclusion of the :-o makes me think you could include the surprise roll into the reaction roll. Going in order with the faces of the die from left to right, you have positive reaction, surprised monsters, friendly, hostile, neutral, and negative reaction.
In reply to a post on waterpigs.co.uk
The inclusion of the :-o makes me think you could include the surprise roll into the reaction roll. Going in order with the faces of the dje from left to right, you have positive reaction, surprised monsters, friendly, hostile, neutral, and negative reaction.
In reply to a post on waterpigs.co.uk
Where did it come from?
In reply to a post on waterpigs.co.uk
I am not normally impressed by ‘special’ or ‘novelty’ dice, but this one hits the spot. Very nice.
I like happy & neutral monsters rather than combat oriented ones. I don’t mind the latter, but my first games of AD&D made great use of the reaction roll and the morale role in 1980, and I absorbed their use as a fundamental principle in older school D&D-ish style dungeon crawls ever since. Including games of “Doom” & “Quake” run with Traveller.
I anyone knows where it comes from, I’d like to know. I have some blank dice but I’m not sure I could draw the faces well / neatly enough to make it work.
In reply to a post on waterpigs.co.uk
I was using similar smiley face die for monster reaction, until one of my players looked at the sides and found out 2 were frown and only 1 was happy, other 3 were neutralish I believe. This was 15-17 years ago.