14273 #steps today
14273 #steps today
10460 #steps today
5558 #steps today
12069 #steps today
4206 #steps today
8704 #steps today
6947 #steps today
5610 #steps today — weird, I went for a long walk. But clearly I need to go for two if I am not wandering around in the workshop all day.
8585 #steps today
10867 #steps today
10398 #steps today
9209 #steps today
11304 #steps today
11357 #steps today!
5193 #steps today — hrm, seems a bit low. Gotta improve on that tomorrow.
9468 #steps today
9453 #steps today
8606 #steps today
2769 #steps today — pretty sure this is inaccurate, as I walked to/from the workshop and around just as much as on days when I’ve logged >7000
8944 #steps today