1. Prepping an old machine for demoing crypto tech at the cryptoparty tonight, windows being a complete pain. I have a feeling I’m going to be spending most of the evening apologising for other people’s bad UI decisions.

  2. Micah N Gorrell: @BarnabyWalters Those would work as well but would limit it's use to an actual browser. What is wrong with an HTTP header for this?

    @_minego links with the rel semantic can be used both in human-visible markup for improved back-compatibility and quick error-spotting (as well as layering on top of existing solution) and also in HTTP headers for machine-only use

  3. Barnaby Walters: #idea: a microformat for download signatures/checksums, allowing browsers to automatically verify files without people having to go into the terminal and use shasum or gpg --verify

    Of course the more significant thing is UI considerations: how to offer this info to the downloader, how to explain what the various possible outcomes mean and what action the user should take as a result of them