After four months I completed the Duolingo German tree!
I have thoroughly enjoyed using Duolingo and would recommend it to anyone who wants to learn a language it supports. Having said that, there are many things it will not teach, for which I recommend and am using these additional resources:
Online Deutsche Welle CEFR placement tests put me at A2 right now. Good thing too, as I’m headed for Germany later this month…
Another useful German #duolingo phrase:
😂 HA HA HA HA HA no. Absolutely not, Duolingo:
Google Translate’s statistical origins show themselves in interesting ways:
I’m 95% certain that the use of “ziehen” and “dem” in the first example rather than “marschieren” and “unseren” is due to “und ziehen mit dem Spaten” being a lyric in Die Moorsoldaten (the peat bog soldiers).
Tried watching Türkisch für Anfänger for German practice and learned two things: my hearing comprehension is much worse than I anticipated, and Lena is really, really annoying.
.@pfefferle words like the ones listed here: — words for really specific feelings or ideas which would take a phrase, metaphor, meme or story to express in English
#german speakers: is there a German word for German words for concepts for which there isn’t an equivalent in English/x other language? (bonus points if that word describes itself)