It just took me about 30 mins to figure it out, so here’s how to install python plugins in KiCad 5.0 on a Mac.
- Make sure your build of KiCad has scripting enabled. It looks like fresh downloads have it by default, but it doesn’t hurt to check. Go KiCad → About KiCad → Show Version Info and make sure that all of the
flags are set to ON. - Find pcbnew’s plugin search path list. Open pcbnew, and open Tools → Scripting Console. Run
import pcbnew; print pcbnew.PLUGIN_DIRECTORIES_SEARCH
and you’ll see a list of folders which pcbnew will search for plugins - Move your plugin files/folders to one of these locations
- In pcbnew, Tools → External Plugins… → Refresh Plugins. Your Tools → External Plugins menu should fill up with plugins.