1. SVG of the week eternity: English Unit Lengths:


    Edit: more information about Ramsden’s Chains and Gunter’s chains on ramsden.info, “the gateway to all things Ramsden”

    Edits! Iceland-specific info about Ells and hand measurement diagram

    1. Shaftment (palm and extended thumb) about 2 palms or 6 inches
    2. Hand (In English, a “Hand” or “Handbreadth” is commonly used to represent the width of the palm, sometimes including the thumb when closed against the palm.) about 4 inches
    3. Palm (In English, a "Palm" is commonly used to represent four fingers held together, which is slightly less than the true width of the palm at the knuckles.) about 3 inches or 4 fingers
    4. Span (from little finger tip to thumb tip) about 3 palms, 9 inches or 12 fingers
    5. Finger (or fingerbreadth) about 3/4 inch or 1/16 foot
    6. Digit (In English, “digit” and “finger” are used to represent the width of a finger. However, the value of the digit is slightly less than the value of the finger.)
    7. Thumb (not indicated) about 1 inch or 1/12 foot
  2. about Rat Park addiction research via Jules Porter and this comic by Stuart Mcmillen.

    “What if the difference between not being addicted and being addicted was the difference between seeing the world as your park and seeing the world as your cage?”

    I can’t help but think this applies to so many more issues than just substance addiction — depression, for example. Perhaps understanding other things which fit this pattern as forms of addiction is a good world-understanding lens.

  3. Initial draft of some musical experiments using puredata live with blockflute:

  4. Verantstaltung: Musikantenstammtisch/Tanz in Lebensmittelpunkt Griese Gegend

    Wo: Lebensmittelpunkt Griese Gegend, Kirchplatz 9, Lübtheen

    Wann: bis ??:??


    Traditionelle Musik, Lied und Tanz Session! Jeder wilkommen, komm einfach vorbei. Lieber akustischen Instrumenten.