sweet jesus, that’s not philosophy, you’re eating m̧̺͔̳̙͍̫͆ë͙̰̻͖̄ͦ̃͒͗̈́m̱̭ͤ̄̎̓̚̚͠ĕ͉͚ͯ͋ͫ͜s̨̲̳̞̟ͥͅ
![A “sweet jesus, pooh” meme based on the original by Safely Endangered.
Pooh is eating something from a jar.
Tigger: “Sweet jesus pooh, that’s not late Wittgenstein.
Tigger: “You’re eating the Tracatus Logico-philosophicus!”
Pooh: 1. The world is everything that is the case. 1.1 The world is the totality of facts, not things. 1.11 The world is determined by the… [the rest of the text is obscured]](https://waterpigs.co.uk/img/sweet-jesus-late-wittgenstein.png)
sweet jesus, that’s not philosophy, you’re eating m̧̺͔̳̙͍̫͆ë͙̰̻͖̄ͦ̃͒͗̈́m̱̭ͤ̄̎̓̚̚͠ĕ͉͚ͯ͋ͫ͜s̨̲̳̞̟ͥͅ
Riddle me this, bible scholars: reading through Genesis 1, it seems like god singles out whales as being particularly significant. They’re the first animals to get created (1:21), other sea creatures get created afterwards, and then when mankind shows up we get dominion over, specifically: the “fish of the sea”, birds, and “creeping things that creepeth” (1:26).
But NOT whales. They are the only animals created by god which get to escape the dominion of mankind. Is that why one ate Jonah later on? Was this supposed to be a major plot point, but which became less relevant after most of the action moved onto the land?
Please tell me that this isn’t like the “whoever finds a treetop, he will get the master magic” line at the beginning of the Kalevala which nobody ever mentions again. I read the entire thing, patiently waiting for someone to find a treetop but it never happened. What is the master magic? Is it different from the complete knowledge of the universe Väinämöinen gained from Vipunen to finish his boat? CHECKOV’S GUN, PEOPLE
#TIL the direction of a pcbnew (KiCAD) selection changes its behaviour. LtoR only selects completely surrounded parts, RtoL selects partially selected parts.
I can’t find this feature documented anywhere, but the selection colours are different so I assume it’s supposed to be like this.
EDIT: apparently it’s something of a de-facto UI standard in CAD apps, probably started by AutoCAD.
I can think of ways of doing it, but they’re not pretty — e.g. onscreen keyboard made of <a>
elements, each keypress is a full screen refresh which stores the new contents of the fake textbox server side (either cookies or URL param to identify session). Makes me wonder… did anyone do something like this at the time, before HTML forms were invented?
It just took me about 30 mins to figure it out, so here’s how to install python plugins in KiCad 5.0 on a Mac.
flags are set to ON.import pcbnew; print pcbnew.PLUGIN_DIRECTORIES_SEARCH
and you’ll see a list of folders which pcbnew will search for pluginsI feel the pain :/ I was already freelancing when I took my GCSEs and was forced to do the ICT BTEC you’re probably talking about. It ended up being my worst grade overall because I got so angry with it halfway through and tried (but sadly failed) to fail it on purpose. Plan was that if a job interviewer asked why IT was my lowest grade I would take great pleasure in ripping the course content to shreds.
“Lord, what a thoughtless wretch was I,
To mourn, murmur and repine,
To see the wicked placed on high,
In pride and robes of honour shine.But oh their end, their dreadful end,
Thy sanctuary taught me so,
On slippery rocks I see them stand,
And fiery billows roll below.”
— Isaac Watts, 1719, still relevant 300 years later :/
It’s number 183 in the 1991 Sacred Harp, if you feel like singing it to suitably epic music.
magnetic fields
#TIL about tcpdump
, a very handy little command line utility for looking at network traffic. Not as fully featured as Wireshark, but nice if you want to e.g. pipe network traffic into another process. It’s also not >300MB :/
When using the python2.7 gzip module with StringIO, it’s extremely important to call GzipFile.close()
after you’ve finished writing to it. If you don’t, the archive will probably not be readable as the CRC record will not be appended, and you’ll get a bunch of IOErrors despite everything looking fine.
Amazon.com product question humour finds its way to some unexpected products…
According to this clock, it is always 11/12 likely to be one o’clock, and 1/12 likely to be two o’clock