Apparently FB learned nothing from the classic “I bought a toilet seat on amazon and now amazon’s trying as hard as it can to fuel the toilet-seat-collecting hobby I’m apparently hooked on” problem
Apparently FB learned nothing from the classic “I bought a toilet seat on amazon and now amazon’s trying as hard as it can to fuel the toilet-seat-collecting hobby I’m apparently hooked on” problem
A little-appreciated benefit of (British) English speakers learning a european language: you can look up recipes in that language and be guaranteed that they’ll use metric units
This amazing comic from @Gingerhazing proves yet again that the best thing to come out of Star Wars is the lovingly crafted fan works which go places and tell stories the originals never would have dared.
Parts 1-2
Parts 3-8
(Really hoping that they compile these into a nice readable format somewhere, it is just too good to be lost in the depths of twitter)
Edit: there’s a full version up on substack!
Annoyed by websites hijacking your favourite browser keyboard shortcuts? Here’s how to disable it in firefox (tested in ff 95, probably works in other versions).
On a site-by-site basis: Go Tools → Page Info (cmd/ctrl + I also works, if it’s not hijacked), and block keyboard shortcuts:
Or you can disable it browser-wide so that it never bothers you again, in about:config, by setting permissions.default.shortcuts
to 2
In theory, 3
should prompt you on a site-by-site basis, but it doesn’t seem to work, sadly.
Project Pure Vessel #hollowknight #comic
Drew an Ero furcata (two-humped pirate spider) to celebrate it being awarded Spider of the Year 2021!
Total number of humans in history: ~100 billion
Total number of views of minecraft videos on youtube: ~1 trillion
On average, every human who ever lived has watched 10 minecraft videos.
This number is more likely to increase than to decrease.
It appears that the popular Riden/Ruideng/RD Tech DP/DPS/DPH series power supplies use low-side current sensing, which can lead to some unexpected (and potentially destructive) behaviour in a situation where you have multiple unisolated power rails.
For example, I put together a little box with a DP30V5A providing a variable, current-limited rail, and three LM2595 modules providing fixed 12v, 5v and 3.3v rails. As none of these supplies are isolated, and can therefore not be used to provide negative rails, I tied all their 0V outputs together. This led to the DP30V5A reporting a completely false current consumption of about 33% of the measured value.
After sketching everything out, it became obvious that this was due to the low-side current sense resistor only seeing some of the current flow, and the rest flowing through the unused LM2596 modules (the switch A represents the internal connection between the DP30V5A 0V and the fixed rail 0V)
Disconnecting the 0V rails and providing a separate 0V binding point for the fixed rails fixed this issue, and I’ll just have to keep in mind that if I want to use multiple rails from this mini PSU in the same circuit, I can’t trust the DP30V5A current reading and have to set its maximum current to about 33% of the desired value. Otherwise, the software overcurrent protection can’t function correctly, and there’s a risk of damaging both the module and the circut under test.
An amusing side effect of this setup is that the DP30V5A low side current sensing can be used for the fixed rails! I doubt I’ll ever encounter a situation where this is useful though.
More about high and low side current sensing in this AAC article
Another breakthrough in the increasingly relevant field of linguistic cryptozoology
(previously: most weasel)
That first one was definitely the funniest, but the some of the other bowl-demons are pretty great too.
There’s a bit more detail about exactly what’s going on in this article.
I’m surprised how timeless and appealing these little drawings are. They avoid a lot of the foibles which make a lot of late antique/medieval art look dated, and the exaggerated proportions, noodly limbs and googly eyes wouldn’t be out of place in a webcomic or cartoon.
I also love that these bowls refer to themselves as “amulets”. Next time someone describes something as an “amulet” in a novel or TTRPG I’m definitely going to imagine it as an inverted bowl with a googly-eyed stick figure demon on.
toad opera
bonus frog
I’ve wanted to see an Alpine Rosalia (Rosalia alpina) ever since I first heard about them, and finally managed to spot two today! Very impressive beetles, lots of fun to watch them move, and they make a cute little scratching sound when disturbed.
Recently found this fun local Austrian legend about @apocrypals’ favourite 12 foot tall werewolf saint.
An ominous notification to come home to
#TIL that VLC player has a built in compressor, in Window → Audio Effects, of all places. A boon for poorly mixed podcast listening!